Money Will Not Solve A Lack of Taste..
...and on the flipside, having lack of substantial money doesnt mean you can forego aesthetics.
So while on one hand we hear that certain people who have too much money than sense will spend it haphazardly on not only completely unnecessary things but things that are just too expensive and mismatched because they could afford it, I also hear from people who don't have that kind of spending power seemingly would forego aesthetics and just go with whatever is available to them.
Fair point, but then there are plenty of lower budget choices that also offer aesthetics to their home design.
All you need to do is browse Mr. DIY and find plenty of items that could match the colour, layout, design of your home, and they don't cost very much.
For example, a vase didn't necessary need to be made of pottery; a pastel-coloured plastic version from Mr.DIY to match your living room settee do the job just as well. Find one styled to fit and it would look just as good in the living room.
Even laundry can be visually attractive for a budget. RM5.20 on Mr. DIY. |
Ikea stuff are great too, and don't cost too much.
Generally, just avoid all the bright green, red, orange, coloured plastic items and you'd be fine.
There are also plenty of lower priced furniture that don't break the budget, but look great when put together with matching furniture.
You may not have the disposable income, but that doesn't mean you cannot have a nicely matched and self-designed home on a budget.
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